If you want to ask a question send a message or submit a quick testimonial, please use the online form below.
Please add my details to the waiting list
This form is for students that have had conformation of driving lessons with Steve. If you require further information, availability or prices, please use the form on the 'CONTACTS' page under General Enquiries.
If you wish to add your details to my waiting list, please use the 'Contact Us' page.
Please SelectYesNo
Please SelectMrMrsMissMsDrLadyLordRevMx
I consent to Steve Cannings using my Childs personal details on Totaldrive.app I understand that I am accountable for any missed payments due to Steve Cannings as per his T&C's
Any Sight Problems?YesNo
Please select all that apply to you. DiplopiaNystagmusVisual AcuityPVLNyctalopia Can you read a vehicle number plate from 20 meters? YesNo
Any learning Disabilities?YesNo
Please select all that apply to you. DyslexiaADHDDyspraxiaDyscalculia
Driving Licence HeldYesNo
Type Of LicenceProvisionalFullInternational
DVLA Check Code*YesNo
*Generate your DVLA code - https://www.gov.uk/view-driving-licence
Preferred Lesson DayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayAny Day
Preferred Lesson Time09:00-11:0012:15-14:1514:45-16:45Any Time
Preferred Lesson Time09:00-11:0012:15 -14:15Any Time
Please Select2 Hours6 Hours10 Hours20 Hours30 Hours40 Hours
Theory Test TakenYesNo
Practical Test BookedYesNo
Test CenterChichesterPortsmouthWinchesterOther
Approx Test Time09:0009:3010:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:3013:0013:3014:0014:3015:00
Check here if you have read and accepted terms & conditions & agree to Steve Cannings using your data to set up your portal.
radio radio-190 use_label_element "5 STARS" "4 STARS" "3 STARS" "2 STARS" "1 STARS"]
This form is for students that have had conformation of driving courses with Steve. If you require further information, availability or prices, please use the Enquiries form on the page you were viewing.
Please SelectRefresher CourseMock Driving TestTeach Your Kids To Drive
driving licence heldYesNo
Please enter your contact and shipping information below.
Your Name
Day Phone
Date of Birth
E-mail Address
Refresher CourseTeach Your KidsMock Driving Test